Client Work

Building and Designing 5 Websites in 3 months!

Written by On The Fuze | Jan 12, 2024 9:19:24 AM



To tackle this challenge, we implemented a well-structured approach:

  1. Sprints organized: We divided the project into manageable sprints, allowing us to work efficiently. This approach ensured that we stayed on track and met our deadlines.
  2. Time estimation: We allocated sufficient time for each task, considering all the intricate details involved. This enabled us to accurately estimate the time required for completion, avoiding unnecessary delays.
  3. Timely feedback resolution: We ensured there were open communication channels with our client, promptly addressing any feedback or concerns they had. This agile feedback loop ensured that we made quickly implemented feedback.
  4. Leveraging templates and cloned pages: To expedite the development process without compromising quality, we utilized pre-designed templates and cloned pages where appropriate. This allowed us to maintain consistency across the websites while saving valuable time.


One of the websites was successfully built in just weekly 3 sprints, exceeding expectations and showcasing our dedication to delivering outstanding outcomes 💥

All 5 websites were delivered on time, and they aligned perfectly with our client's vision.