Want more from HubSpot?

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Based on your business priorities, get project recommendations to maximize HubSpot!

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Why start with an Audit?

This is a great fit for companies who...

Feel like HubSpot could do more but 'don't know what they don't know' and don't have the bandwidth to explore the tool.

An Audit provides you with data on the overall health of your account, highlights opportunities to improve usage, AND detailed project recommendations with an execution timeline.

Audit Process

How does it work?

Get project recommendations and best practices based on your priorities.

1. Discovery Call

2. Audit Account

3. Review Call

4. Maximize HubSpot


Discovery Call

Meet with a HubSpot Strategist for 30 minutes.


The goal is to understand your business priorities to ensure we align the Audit and project recommendations with your needs!

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Audit Account

The Audit typically takes 1-2 weeks. We'll start by reviewing the overall health of your account and then deep dive into each Hub!


Review Call

This is a 1hr call to review findings, the proposed project recommendations, and answer any questions you may have!


You'll be sent the Audit 2 days beforehand so you have time to review it :)


Maximize HubSpot

Want to implement your project recommendations?


Our Support Package gives you a Team of Experts to handle the heavy lifting... for 1/4 the cost of hiring!


Get MORE from your HubSpot Investment

Access to 100+ Experts to help you get more from HubSpot.

HubSpot Audit

USD $1,000

Overall CRM Health Check
Analytics (per Hub)
Project Recommendations (per Hub)
Best Practices (per Hub)
Implementation Timelines with Project Estimates
30min Discovery Call with Strategist
1hr Audit Review Call with Strategist
HubSpot Audit

Want to learn more?

Book a time to speak with Gabrielle below!

It's a 30-minute call to understand how you're using HubSpot, your ideal scenario for the tool, and see if an Audit can help maximize usage.

Talk with a HubSpot Expert

Questions? Let's talk to learn more about your business needs and see if we're a fit to help.