Client Work

Customizing Association Labels for HubSpot Deals

Customizing Labels for HubSpot Deals
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Client’s Challenge

The client needed to automatically update the association label of the contact’s last deal to “Most Recent Deal”. 



With a deal-based workflow…

1. We copied the deal ID in a contact property called [Last deal ID] and the deal create date to the contact property [New deal create date] for all the associated contacts.

2. If the property is known or updated for a contact a zap (Zapier) is triggered and it compares the associated deals to assign the association label “Most recent deal” to the last deal and remove the label if it exists for the previous deals.

ADDITIONAL INFO: A Zapier account is required for this solution.

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We successfully transferred deal information to the respective contact properties, and a Zapier zap ensures the accurate labeling of the most recent deal.

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